2023 Sparks in 1m³
Minimum Action in the Community

Alternative Mapping
Participatory mapping of MIND’s open spaces and accessibility routes

Alternative Mapping Tool
Map out feelings, perceptions and values that different publics attribute to public and green spaces

Animal-oriented Design Workshop
Explore the potential of including non-human perspectives into placemaking processes in urban open spaces through meanwhile uses focused on local biodiversity

Animal-oriented interviews: #1. How to design for animals?
The first episode of T-Factor podcast explores the animal oriented design in public green spaces

Animal-oriented interviews: #2. Escape to the city!
The second episode of T-Factor podcast is focused on how wild animals make urban areas their home

Bottom Up City and how geosocial data can be used to track the power of meanwhile
T-Factor Podcast: In conversation with Andrea Putlitz from Bottom Up City

Community Co-working Project

Bug Hotel DIY
Building artifacts for urban areas under regeneration as a tool for environmental awareness and education.

Circular Business Compass
Define a basic business model for circular economy initiatives

Co-creating an alternative mapping of Amsterdam Science Park
Mapping and rediscovering sensations and nature on everyday routes

Co-designing Wildspot
Students co-design “Wildspots” in Amsterdam Science Park

Co-producing situated positive social impact
How can we legitimise and amplify diverse voices to learn from local living knowledge?

Collaborative Biodiversity Governance for the Community House at MIND
An innovative program to involve enterprises in monitoring biodiversity

Collaborative Governance Models for District Management
A case study report for Zorrotzaurre

Collaborative Governance Models for District Management
Building Local Innovation Ecosystems – A Case Study Report for Zorrotzaurre, Bilbao

Collaborative Governance Workshop
Inspirations from Barcelona, Copenhagen, Dortmund and Gothenburg

Community KILN from Lisbon
Fostering community cohesion and connection

Crazy, tiny, green things called Temporary Uses
Explore temporary uses and their contribution to green transitions in cities

Data Campfire
A methodology for data justice in urban regeneration

Data Campfire: a methodology for data justice in urban regeneration
How to value inhabitants’ knowledge by building a bottom-up dataset

Data Justice Workshop
Harvest citizen knowledge and create a bottom-up dataset about an urban regeneration area

Design Residency in Community
Learn and design about urban ecology with local residents

Digital Placemaking. Extremely Vast and Incredibly Close Future
What would you do if you had an enormous empty space to fill in your city?

Leave what you want, take what you need

Eco-practices and nature-based-solutions: Cities as living organisms
A T-Factor community of practice round table discussion

Emotional mapping of Zorrotzaurre
Mapping emotions with students of IED Kunsthal Bilbao

Enabling Regulation for Temporary Use
What does it take to make temporary urbanism work?

Engaging meaningfully through Clay
The story behind one partner’s approach to community relevant engagement

Exploring the potential of circular and collaborative economy in temporary urbanism
Workshop organized by Mondragon University, Tecnalia and Universitat Oberta de Catalunya

Green Branches to Roots Project
Improve neighborhood liveability and trees management

Green maker space - Building for beasts
Including non-human perspectives in the co-design of meanwhile landscapes

Guiding Star Workshop
Identify what is your desired future of urban development and the existing assets that can be leveraged through meanwhile intervention.

Here We Are: A Path to Co-Production of Meanwhile Actions
Kaunas as an example of history-driven place-making and community-building

Higher Education Institutions in urban regeneration
Designing curricula for multi-stakeholder collaboration

How to map a community of (socially engaged) practice
A tool for developing situated, joined-up views of people, institutions, and practices

Kick-starting digital placemaking in Kaunas Innovation Park
How digital means can help create the identity of a place that does not yet exist

An ideation methodology for collaborative governance models based on the case study of Milano Innovation District

MINDmap: Designing Collaborative Governance
A workshop method based on the experiences at the Milano Innovation District (MIND)

Meanwhile Learning Innovation Jam
Design a learning module that leverages the meanwhile in urban regeneration in address to sustainable urban development challenges

New Schools of Thought, New Forms of Action: The Bilbaohaus Effect 2.0
9 principles for novel civic curricula through the meanwhile of Zorrotzaurre - towards a Bilbaohaus effect 2.0

Open Innovation Ecosystem
Strategic Keys for setting up an open innovation ecosystem

Orange Playground
Community Playground

Participatory Place-Making: Collaborative (Re)construction of the Local History
Empowering disadvantaged neighbourhoods to co-produce / (re)discover their local history through intergenerational collaboration is an important part of and a way to capture and protect city’s heritage. ...

Regenerating Cities for the Post-Pandemic: What counts for transformative impact?
Key highlights and videos of the webinar

Regents Park Estate Community Festival
Celebrating history and stories at Regents Park Estate

Resilient Future Driven Community Innovation
Design Residency for Xinhua Community Design Center innovation

Social Manufacturing: Towards the popularisation of personalised fabrication
A comprehensive analysis of trends such as “Do It Yourself,” “Hackers” and “Makers”

Social Value Workshop
Symposium event: Social impact of cultural projects

The Euston Community of Practice
The expression of interest for activities process and the Bayes Finials photogrammetry project case study

The Kaunas Manifesto for inclusive urban metaverses
Exploring collective and inclusive approaches to digital territories twinning in urban regeneration

The Wild Spot
An interspecies well-being hotspot

The making of the first Wild Spot - A short documentary
A participatory temporary urbanism intervention to establish a nature-based community wellbeing area

Toy Exchange Room
A space for toys exchange and self-organization of children activities

The birth of an open source agricultural community

Urban Regeneration, Climate emergency and Temporary Uses
Exploring the potential of circular and collaborative economy in temporary urbanism

Urban metaverse inclusive design principles
Where to start from for designing urban services and spaces in the metaverse? Follow these recommendations to ideate platforms that operate under a social justice lens.

Reflections on Social Value in Cultural Urban Production

Waaa! Xinhua Community Festival is coming
Beneficial soil for everyone in the community

Whatchamacallit Workshop
Upcycle courier packaging into tools to deeply explore urban nature

Wild Spot Methodology
The Wild Spot is a light placemaking format anchored in green urban spaces which aims at fostering community nature-based well-being. We present here a pillar of the methodology, nature connectedness, ...

Xinhua CDC Earth Day
Feeling home in neighbours nature

Xinhua Zero Waste Project
Support residents to continue to carry out zero-waste related community practices

Zero Waste Community Garden Festival
Activities, Lectures and a Fair promoting zero waste actions