In Xinhua Community, many spontaneous activities related to the concept of zero waste have emerged. We hope to use the Xinhua Community Building Center as a practice base for the community's zero waste action, and to support more communities with feasible practices suitable for Xinhua. The "3+1+N" (3 core scenarios + 1 special scenario + N scenario extension) scenario hopes to connect the scattered actions of Xinhua self-organizers into a resource integration and sharing, effective and promotable system plan, and allow more neighborhood partners to participate.

The 3R principle of zero waste (Reduce, Reuse, Recycle) will run through each scenario.

In Xinhua CDC there are different active programe about “reducing”: the toy exchange houses, idle cooperatives, etc., build idle items circulation and shared utilization sites in the community, encourage the exchange of idle items in households by holding recycling markets, advocate sustainable lifestyles, and reduce the generation of household waste from the source.

In the next two years, in terms of Reduce indicators, we are committed to achieve 25% reduction of daily dry garbage, through efforts such as encouraging the reduction of delivery services, recycle paper for printing, and remove disposable cups in the whole community.

For Reuse we encourage upcycling skillset development activities and provide a functional community toolbox.

For Recycle: A composting programme at the level of the community (shared kitchen, vegetable gardens, pets owner) has been implemented, with 2 composting station. In particular, we are interested in developing education activities with children.

The project is supported by a collaboration grant with the local government of Changning district and it’s a flagship initiative of Zero Waste in Shanghai.

Authors: Zijie Lin

From: 11/01/2024
To: 31/12/2026
  • Do-It-Together Eco-practices
  • Co-creative and community-led meanwhile
  • Circular and Collaborative economies
Greening, biodiversity & urban wilderness
Circularity and regenerative practices

Tags: Zero-waste, Community innovation

In Zero waste project, we build an innovative practice base for zero-waste communities in Shanghai around the "Xinhua Community Design Center". With the goal of 3+1+N scene creation, combined with the whole-process community participation method, a systematic platform for sustainable operation will be formed to support the continuous operation of the residents.