In October 2022, we ran lectures on temporary uses and nature-based solutions with students of the University of Deusto, Industrial Design Engineering Degree. The lectures are part of the co-creation path that T-Factor is promoting in Zorrotzaurre in address to climate resilience at neighbourhood level.

This brief presentation will guide you through what temporary uses are, why we believe they are important for the future of our cities, and how they can help us bring nature and biodiversity back to our urban environments. You can also look at the extended lectures if you want to dig deeper!

Authors: Andrea Balestrini, LAND Italia; Laura Martelloni, ANCI Toscana; Alejandra Castro, TU Dortmund University; Julien Trotman, GODOT Studio

Crazy, tiny, green things_Temporary Uses by laumarte1980

From: 15/10/2022
To: 22/10/2022
Step: Prototype & Test
  • Universities-Grassroots collaboration
Greening, biodiversity & urban wilderness