Been there, done that. When it comes to learning how to enable an environment where temporary uses can thrive, there’s nothing quite like treading the path with one’s own feet. Though, it sure does help to have a few successful examples at hand. Particularly when you’re on a mission to understand how regulation interacts with temporary uses, like Bilbao is.

On May 6th, 2022, T-Factor rallied seven inspiring cases across Europe to help Bilbao on its quest to understand how regulation helps to regenerate cities in the meantime. To this end, the Workshop “Enabling Regulation for Temporary Use” brought together experts from different European Cities to investigate which instruments, processes and understandings of the possibilities of the ‘meanwhile’ help to foster the positive effects of temporary urbanism.

From: 06/05/2022
To: 06/05/2022
Inclusive engagement, access & rights to cities