Toolbox in Action

The toolbox in practice in the context of six regeneration initiatives across Europe

Theory of Change

Zorrotzaurre Bilbao

At the heart of the T-Factor Pilot in Zorrotzaurre is the desire of contributing to the creation of a diverse, dynamic and vibrant ecosystem of culture and creativity. We recognise that the redevelopment of the island will bring about huge improvements in the quality of life and liveability in the area, together with new types of tenants that in turn will unlock new opportunities, including in terms of enterprise and job creation, education and training, cultural offer, and more. At the same time, we are aware that the redevelopment risks to disrupt and displace an already existing landscape of cultural and creative communities, a unique asset that over years has generated social and economic value while contrasting and preventing abandonment and decay of the local industrial heritage. Thus, our main mission is to leverage the meanwhile of Zorrotzaurre’s redevelopment – whose extended timeline and phasing can be unique levers for iterative experimentation and learning towards the long run – to foster collaboration and co-creation between Universities and grassroots initiatives, developing joint paths of education and training inspired by local challenges, and that make the most of each actor’s expertise and relational capital – showing the way forward to longer term partnerships and alliances for creative innovation and social innovation.

Two additional missions complement and steer our Portfolio of temporary uses: Mission 2 ‘Collaborative and Participatory Governance’ aims to explore possibilities and options for a cooperative organisation and governance of the innovation ecosystem, taking inspiration from cases of urban districts’ collaborative governance already existing across European cities. Mission 3 ‘Enabling Regulation’ seeks to explore the regulatory framework that could better allow access to and management of temporary uses and activities, particularly the ones with socio-cultural impact.

Taken together, these missions are meant to contributing to four main impact domains: building communities, making places, growing prosperity and cultivating innovation.
