Toolbox in Action

Explore how participatory meanwhile interventions unfolded in the context of seven regeneration initiatives across Europe & Asia.

Particularly suggested for policy-makers, practitioners, and researchers.

Theory of Change

Euston London

Euston, located in Central London, has been undergoing regeneration aimed at transforming the area into a modern transport and community destination, providing a new piece of city that delivers new homes, creates new jobs and open space. However, the project has faced significant delays and challenges with coordination of the various projects that will enable development. Euston’s pilot is aimed at ‘leveraging temporary uses to demonstrate and bring forward the benefits of inclusive, equitable and regenerative development’.

Arts, Culture & Heritage

Celebrate and elevate the culture and heritage of Euston. It concentrated on organising interactive community workshops to preserve local history and heritage, and arts-led enhancement of public spaces in Regents Park Estate.

Collaborative & Circular Economy & Enterprise

Reinvigorate Euston’s local economy by focusing on social and circular enterprises. This included organising workshops and enterprise programs to foster entrepreneurship, revitalising the historic Chalton Street Market and establishing a Circular Enterprise Hub.

Safe & Convivial Streets and Spaces

Enhance the safety and appeal of Euston’s public areas. This included the creation of a Story Trail to link green spaces and narrate local history and the organisation of community festivals to foster engagement.

Explore Euston Portfolio​
