In this year's One Square Meter Action, 10 teams launched new thinking, initiated new actions, received new responses, saw new possibilities, and opened up new perspectives with the theme of "New Relationships".

On October 22, the activists condensed the entire process of the action into concrete objects in the form of an exhibition of results, and reviewed every bit of the actions they initiated. It was an overall review and summary, as well as a new re-insight and re-start.

The on-site interactive communication led visitors to personally experience which groups and roles these actions have created new relationships with; what methods have been used to create new relationships; and what new relationships have been created. A new relationship has also been quietly created.

Authors: Zijie Lin

From: 04/07/2023
To: 01/11/2023
Local identity & heritage
Safety, conviviality & liveability
Inclusive engagement, access & rights to cities
In an era of sustainable living, the theme of the 2023 Sparks in 1m³ and the 4th Humanities Xinhua Original Works Design Competition is "New Relationships". The project collects proposals from the public and neighborhoods over a two-month period, and a series of workshops are hosted to incubate and support the implementation of actions. The project develops community talents support and teamwork activations.