The design studio course “Urban Nature and Fabrication” has been practised for three years by the T Factor Shanghai team to teach students to do research about urban ecology and design interactive artefacts to reconnect citizens with nature in new ways. In 2023, combined with T Factor research, the course went beyond the campus and became a “Design Residency Program” in the Xinhua neighbourhood community.


Lectures about T Factor and Xinhua were given for students at the community centre. Students were equipped with knowledge of T Factor, especially toolkits and pilot practices of greening, biodiversity and urban wilderness. Then guided by different stakeholders of the community, including the residents in charge of self organisations, manager of the community city centre etc, the students explored the urban nature in the community, projects and programs of citizens, and the overall relational ecosystem of the area.


During nearly two months of research, discussion and fabrication, the students followed a journey to design with the community.


First, to cultivate a deep experience for the students themselves, they explored the urban nature of the community, using sensors, recorders or sketching to collect data, and mapped them out as an Explorative Report of Xinhua Nature. Then, to reflect their experience with hands and minds, we did a 2 hours prototype, the Whatchamacallit workshop, using cheap materials, like courier packaging, paper boxes, foams, disposable cups, chopsticks, plastic bags, cardboards, anything cheap, recycled or dumped, to fabricate a tool that can be helpful for their next exploration.




Secondly, after another round of exploration of xinhua nature and several fabrication workshops, like bioplastic, Arduino and PCB, the students designed together with local residents a 2 days prototype to share their findings and knowledge about xinhua nature.




Finally, students spent 2 weeks of prototyping to fabricate their final design projects with the goal to embody their experience and eco-awareness with local residents.





Authors: LU Wentao, Francesca VALSECCHI, LIN Zijie

From: 01/09/2023
To: 01/11/2023
  • Do-It-Together Eco-practices
  • Co-creative and community-led meanwhile
  • Universities-Grassroots collaboration
  • Wild and Cultivated green spaces
Greening, biodiversity & urban wilderness

Tags: Urban ecology

A studio course beyond the boundaries of the classroom became a Residency Program in an urban community. It called on students to learn and design about urban ecology together with local residents and different stakeholders.