Wood-firing and alternative ceramic firings hold potential not only for creating stunning ceramic pieces but also for fostering community cohesion and connection.

This practice was explored in Trafaria Lisbon as part of the cultural and arts-led meanwhile programming developed by NOVA University Lisbon in close collaboration with local cultural and creative associations, and supported by international expertise provided by the University of the Arts London.

As participants come together to load the kiln, feed the fire, and engage in lively conversation, a sense of camaraderie emerges, reminiscent of ancient gatherings around a campfire. The anticipation of witnessing the transformative power of high temperatures on the ceramic pieces adds an element of excitement and surprise to the experience, further enhancing its allure. The concept of a Community kiln extends beyond mere ceramic production; it entails the collective construction of kilns, both ephemeral and permanent, with active participation from the local population. These firing events become true celebrations, where individuals of all backgrounds come together to share in the joy of creation and discovery.

Several workshops, facilitated in collaboration with EDA and the local ceramic studio Atelier 20 ceramica, have underscored the significance of these activities for both the community and university students. These events have illuminated the transformative power of hands-on engagement with ceramics, highlighting its potential to bridge gaps between different sectors of society.

From: 01/05/2023
To: 31/07/2023
Safety, conviviality & liveability

  • Exploring & Inquiring


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