‘Impact Innovations with the local communities’ (original title, ‘Innovazioni di Impatto con le comunità: come valorizzarle?’) was an online conference organised in February 2022 by Planet Idea and promoted by Fondazione Triulza, one of the most important social anchors in MIND. The event aimed at discussing novel measurement frameworks and approaches for place-based social innovations, starting with the analysis of concrete projects and initiatives. As part of the Local Coalition, PlusValue brought about the experience of T-Factor and the topic of temporary uses. Besides exploring the important topic of impact measurement of temporary uses, the event was also instrumental to establish and further reinforce the collaboration with Fondazione Triulza.

For more information: https://www.sicampus.org/events/innovazioni-di-impatto-sociale-con-le-comunita-esempi-di-applicazione-e-valutazione/

From: 10/02/2022
To: 10/02/2022
  • Vibrant R&I communities
Inclusive engagement, access & rights to cities