As part of the T-Factor project, the Ensaios e Diálogos Association, in partnership with the New University of Lisbon, held the T-Mapping event on October 15, 2022 at the former Trafaria Prison.

The event aimed to promote a meeting between the New University of Lisbon T-Factor teams teachers, researchers and students who are developing projects under T-Factor - and the young-adult population of Trafaria, to enhance the impact of the projects on the territory, foster synergies and make a positive contribution to the first impressions that the community will have of the future Institute of Arts and Technology - IAT. For this, a process of community involvement was developed that started about two months before the T-Mapping event and culminated on the day of the event itself with several activities to be streamlined / exhibited that were given the name of "Stations". EDA makes a very positive balance of the event, both in the relationship that was established with the T-Factor team, and with regard to the adhesion of the public (about 150 people) showing the potential for future activities.


In total 13 "Stations" were created where they presented:

  • 9 projects from the New University of Lisbon, including PhD projects taking place in Trafaria and projects by researchers and artists under T-Factor.
  • 4 local projects, presented by residents who are members of the association (of which 3 are artists) and who are part of the creative workshops under the A_Linha project.

Other spontaneous initiatives:

In order to attract more young audiences, EDA invited the group of the Trafaria Marches to make a Solidarity Coffee. The Marches in turn invited the Trafaria Voluntary Fire Brigade to be present.

Two young musicians from the locality (Bairro 2o Torrão and Vila da Trafaria) were invited to occupy the stage space and bring music to the meeting. The performance was joined by a local hip hop children's band.

These examples, highlight how networks and interpersonal dynamics are spontaneously generated, from the moment that an upstream community involvement process takes place and an open and flexible program is maintained that allows the recipient audience to also be proponents and have agency, not just being seen as participants or consumers.

From: 15/10/2022
To: 15/10/2022
  • Local identity & Heritage
Local identity & heritage
Inclusive engagement, access & rights to cities