Poetry Slam was a poetry-based performance that involved young people of Trafaria (particularly from Segundo Torrão) in the exploration of novel narratives and forms of expression at the intersection of words, voice and body. Similarly to Vida das Margens, this activity aimed at engaging the community in the Segundo Torrão, proposing a form of cultural expression that could better fit with the forms of communication and self-expression of this audience, while giving voice to their perceptions and feelings about the area. The Poetry Slam developed through two main phases: a preliminary workshop aimed at preparing and training the participants, and a second phase which saw an open competition with symbolic awards.

Poetry Slam revelead to be beneficial in terms of strengthening a sense of personal connectedness and belonging to Trafaria. The activity also turned out to be a relevant gateway for the participants to get to know each other and discover the complex identity of the site. As stated by a participant during an evaluation interview: ‘‘One thing is to experience Trafaria through its food offer, the boats, the local stores and small retails… but exploring it through its culture opens to new perspectives and understandings’. The Poetry Slam also led to an increase in the perceived feeling of connectivity and belonging of the participants, as reported through the interviews conducted. Moreover, this activity helped perceive Trafaria as less isolated, as it involved people from outside Trafaria through a creative and engaging form of individual expression and exchange. 


From: 01/06/2021
To: 30/06/2022
Step: Exploring & Inquiring
  • Local identity & Heritage
  • Arts and culture-led capacity building
Local identity & heritage
Inclusive engagement, access & rights to cities