Meanwhile in Europe

T-Factor, through its Transformation Agency, started an EU-based mapping of ‘meanwhile uses and strategies’ that helps shed light on how meanwhile uses are being applied in Europe.

The interactive map resulting from this analysis, and which can be consulted below, displays meanwhile-related experiences across European cities, to make them available for the broader community of stakeholders addressed by T-Factor.

Its aim is to explore the approach to ‘meanwhile’ at urban level or in urban regeneration initiatives, to frame how this approach has been applied so far and what challenges it addressed, what regulatory processes it influenced or inspired, and who possess expertise on the topic, with the ultimate goal of connecting cities that are addressing similar issues.

In this map you will find several European cities, each one linked to available regulations or practices, which are in turn connected to related actors:

Regulations and plans > any policy, public program or funding initiative available in the urban context that regulate or support the development of temporary/interim spaces and initiatives.

Practices > any project, campaign, event or other types of initiative occurring in the urban context (or that have occurred in the last few years) focused on the implementation of interim spaces and uses.

Actors > any kind of organization playing a role in the definition, implementation or realization of the regulation, plan or practice addressing meanwhile spaces, uses or initiatives.

Exploring the map through filters you can gather information on:

  • Area of application of the regulations and plans (intended as the type of property to which the rules set by the regulation applies), as well as the types of spaces hosting meanwhile practices, such as natural urban spaces and brownfields, open-air urban spaces, leftover or abandoned spaces, etc.
  • Intended use of spaces interested by regeneration through meanwhile initiatives, such as assembly, business, educational, residential, etc.
  • Type of meanwhile activities hosted by the space, such as workspace and education, green and garden, food and drink, art and culture, etc.
  • Role of meanwhile uses in the configuration of permanent uses, such as transitory, influential, intrusive, etc.
  • Meanwhile target groups, such as startups and businesses, academy and research, artists and creatives, vulnerable groups, etc.

The map aims to grow throughout the project lifespan and beyond, collecting contributions from all around Europe.

CREDITS: Designed and implemented by Polifactory – Politecnico di Milano with the support of T-Factor Transformation Agency.
